Revelation  ◦   Chapter 3

1"To the messenger to my children in the church in Sardis, write:

This message is from Jesus, who directs the seven intelligent beings standing before the throne of God, and the seven messengers who are–like bright stars–shining forth the truth: I know your choices. You appear to be alive — living in harmony with the law of love — but you are dead in fear and self-centeredness.
2Wake up before it is too late! Heal what remains viable but is about to die if you don't take action soon, for despite all your rituals and religious acts, you are devoid of love in the sight of my Father.3Remember the Remedy you have received: accept it, apply it to your lives, and turn away from the ways of the world. But if you refuse to wake up to your condition and embrace the truth, you will be unaware of what is happening, and my coming will be like a thief's–you will not know the time I will come to you.

4"Yet you still have a few faithful people in Sardis whose characters have not been stained with selfishness. They will walk by my side, dressed in the perfection of my character of love–pure and white–for they are healed.5Everyone who prevails by completing the treatment and lives in harmony with my methods of love until the end will also have character perfect and pure. I will never remove them from the book of life, but proclaim to my Father and his angels that they have been completely healed.6Those whose minds are open to truth will understand what the Spirit reveals to the churches.

7"To the messenger to my children in the church in Philadelphia, write:

This message is from Jesus, who is holy and true, and who is the Key from David’s line — the door to restoration, which he opens, no one can shut; and the doors he shuts no one can open:
8I know your choices. Recognize that I have opened before you a door for your healing, that no one can shut. I know you are exhausted, but you have not given up. You have lived in harmony with my methods and have not rejected my character of love.9But those whose minds have become a sanctuary for Satan — who claim to be my children but are liars, as their characters are like Satan’s — I will make them see the truth, and they will fall down at your feet and acknowledge that what I love is my children being healed, like you.10Since you have unwaveringly followed my instructions and lived in harmony with my methods, I will heal your characters, and you will have nothing to fear during the difficult time to come upon the world, which will differentiate the true nature of those who live on the earth.

11"I am returning soon. Hold on to the Remedy you have received, and no one will trick you out of eternal life.12Everyone who prevails by completing the treatment and lives in harmony with my methods of love until the end, I will make a pillar, a living stone, in the heavenly temple of my God–a community of holy beings. Their connection with God will never be severed and I will write in their beings the character of my God, and they will be marked by me as citizens of the New Jerusalem which is coming down out of heaven from my God. I will also write my name upon their hearts and minds.13Those whose minds are open to truth will understand what the Spirit reveals to the churches.

14"To the messenger to my children in the church in Laodicea, write:

This message is from Jesus–the consistent, reliable, faithful and true Witness–who is the origin of God's creation:
15I know your choices. I know that you are neither on fire with love, nor do you appear cold with selfishness. I wish you were either on fire for my kingdom, or clearly opposed to it!16But because you are a lukewarm mix of cold hearts practicing selfish methods while appearing to be on fire for my kingdom, you misrepresent me and make me sick to my stomach. I am about to vomit you out.17You claim to be spiritually rich and full of heavenly treasure, thinking you have the truth and are in need of nothing, but you are so self-deceived that you don't realize you are devoid of my character of love. You are decrepit, pathetic, bereft of true godliness, with minds so closed that you can't even comprehend truth. You stand naked and exposed.18My prescription for you is to exchange your corrupt motives for the gold of godly love purified through fiery trials, so that you can be rich in what heaven values. Exchange your filthy, selfish characters for the perfect character of Christ — pure and white — so that you can cover the shame of your imperfection. And apply the salve of the Holy Spirit to your minds, so that you can see and understand the reality of your own condition, and that of God’s kingdom of love.

19"It is those whom I love that I diagnose and provide these therapeutic interventions, so take ownership of yourselves: turn away from destruction, and apply the Remedy.20I am here now! I am standing at the door to your hearts, knocking with truth and love. If any hear my voice and open their hearts, I will come in and commune with them, and they with me.

21"Everyone who prevails by completing the treatment, and lives in harmony with my methods of love until the end, will sit enthroned with me–just as I overcame, and sit enthroned with my Father.22Those whose minds are open to truth will understand what the Spirit reveals to the churches."