1Timothy  ◦   Chapter 4

1 The Spirit plainly says that in the last days, some will reject the Remedy and promote a deadly false concoction originating in the minds of demons.2 These toxic constructs are peddled by deceptive charlatans whose characters have been forged in the Satanic mold.3 They oppose God’s design for life — like marriage, and eating the foods God created to be eaten — which brings blessings to those who know and love God.4 For everything God created is good, and nothing good for you is to be rejected, but received thankfully5 because it was blessed by God's creative word and our thankful prayers.

6 Teach truth to those on Christ’s spiritual health-care team and you will be a competent spiritual physician, effectively applying the Remedy that you yourself have taken.7 Reject pagan appeasement myths and other superstitious tales that turn off thinking; rather, train yourself to be a godly evidence-based thinker.8 Just as physical training strengthens the body, in the same way, mental training–exercising self-control, reasoning, thinking and weighing evidence for one’s self–develops mature character, which makes one fit for today as well as for eternity.

9 This is the truth, so embrace it fully10 (because this is what we live and work for): Our only hope is in God, who is the Healer of the human race, and specifically of those who take the Remedy.

11 Proclaim and teach these truths.12 Don’t get discouraged if some don’t take you seriously because you are young; instead, demonstrate the transforming power of God’s Remedy in your life, speech and love, in your unwavering trust in God, and in the purity of your heart.13 While you are waiting for me to arrive, focus on making the Remedy known by public teaching, preaching, and reading of God's word.14 Don't forget your endowment which was given to you when the church leaders laid hands on you and the Spirit of prophecy came upon you.

15 Partake of the Remedy daily, and train yourself in the practice of God's methods, so that everyone may see your continual character development.16 Maintain a healthy lifestyle and habits, and keep your beliefs consistent with truth and evidence, so that you and those who hear and apply what you teach will be eternally healed.